official participations:
30th Short Film Festival in Drama (DIGI 2007)
3rd Athens Anim fest (Panorama)
Ecofilms 2008 (competition for short films)
6th San Francisco Greek Film Festival

Βραβείο Κοινού στο φεστιβάλ Ecofilms      Award Audience - Ecofilms 2008

..........(click for POSTER, A3, 300dpi resoloution)

(Watch the movie: YouTube)..........

(click for Trailer)..........

.......... Περιγραφή

- «Το σύνθημα είναι το φεγγάρι»
- «Εντάξει λοιπόν, το σύνθημα είναι το φεγγάρι!»

Μία νύχτα, το φεγγάρι βγήκε όπως κάθε νύχτα στον σκοτεινό ουρανό και φώτισε το Χωριό-Παραμύθι. Η νεαρή και όμορφη Ερατώ, η γυναίκα του φούρναρη, είχε δώσει παράνομο ραντεβού με τον παραγιό του φούρναρη στην Πλατεία-Παραμύθι...

.......... Description

- "The signal is the moon"
- "All right then, the signal is the moon!"

One night the moon came out like every night in the dark sky and threw its light on Fairy-Tale-Village. Young and beautiful Erato, the baker's wife, had made a secret date with the baker's apprentice at Fairy-Tale-Square. As soon as the moon came out, the two youths met and ran at once from different streets to Fairy-Tale-Glade...

Σημείωμα σκηνοθέτη

Κάποτε, αν θυμάμαι καλά,
       η ζωή μου ήταν ένα φαγοπότι
Και άνοιγαν όλες οι καρδιές
Και όλα τα κρασιά κυλούσαν...

(Arthur Rimbaud , "Μια εποχή στην κόλαση")

Director’s Note

Once, if I remember well,
       my life was a feast
When all hearts opened
When all wines flowed...

Arthur Rimbaud, «Une saison en enfer»






Προβολές - Projections

20 September 2007, 18:00
Municipal Odeum, Drama
supported by the Short Film Festival in Drama, DIGI 2007
19 October 2007, 21:00
Trianon Cinema, Athens
supported by the Short Film Festival in Drama, DIGI 2007
21 October 2007, 19:00
Trianon Cinema, Athens
supported by the Short Film Festival in Drama, DIGI 2007
16 March 2008, 23:00
Trianon Cinema, Athens
supported by the the European Animation Center, 3rd AnimFest08
26 June 2008, 21:00
Rodon - Open Air Cinema, Rhodes
supported by the International Film Festival ECOFILMS
21 May 2009, 19:30
Delancey Street Screening Room,
San Francisco, U.S.A.

supported by the San Francisco Greek Film Festival
5 Sep 2010, 21:00
"Vithleem" open cinema of the Municipality of Heraklion, Crete
supported by the Municipality of Heraklion, Crete
1 March 2015, 12:00
Boutaris Winery, Santorini
supported by the Cinematography Club of Thira





..........Φωτογραφίες - Photographs


Still from the movie "ERATO"


Still from the movie "ERATO"


Still from the movie "ERATO"
(Erato Kapetanaki)


Still from the movie "ERATO"


Ioanna & Michalis Spartalis

8 stills from the movie "ERATO"


Nikos Alevras & Angelos Spartalis at ECOFILMS festival, Rhodes, June 2008
photo by Angela Svoronou



..........περισσότερες πληροφορίες - more info the movie
...........    (YouTube link) the trailer
...........    (mpg file size 3 MB, duration 1min 15sec)

..........>  movie script:   FRENCH   -  ENGLISH   -  GREEK
...........    (MS-WORD file)

..........>  Short Film Festival in Drama
...........    online :

..........>  Ecofilms - International Film Festival
...........    online:    /   cache : english - greek



..........'Αρθρα και αναφορές - press articles & remarks.

..........Μια συνέντευξη στην ..... για την εφημερίδα ..... που δε δημοσιεύτηκε ποτέ...
...........    (MS-WORD file)

